MCC Results

Season: Player:

Season Matches for a Player


Bob Johnston

RndTeamMatch DateHome TeamResultAway Team
1Second XI1956-10-06BrightonMurrumbeena
78 R Johnston 5/25 R Newsome 3/44
and 2/21
2Second XI1956-10-20Murrumbeena lost to Ormond
47 131 R Hanna 5/26 R Johnston 2/29
and 2/5 R Newsome 2/5
5Second XI1956-12-01Murrumbeena (A) def Murrumbeena
126 D Newton 4/17
and 48 R Johnston 7/24
and 6/56
7Second XI1957-01-05HamptonMurrumbeena
151 R Johnston 7/40 R Newsome 3/31 162 R Hanna 45 R Johnston 49
8Second XI1957-01-19MHSOB def Murrumbeena
9/143 R Johnston 6/74
and 4/96
and 6/126
10Second XI1957-02-09Murrumbeena lost to Ormond
152 D McDermott 29 K Berry 27* R Hanna 26
and 7/68 J Anderson 27
7/198 R Newsome 4/48
and 3/93 D McDermott 2/41
11Second XI1957-02-23Sandringham def Murrumbeena
224 R Johnston 3/59
and 5/145
142 D McDermott 33

Season Summary

Click on Runs, Wkts or Avge to sort in that sequence
Batting onlyBowling only

Includes matches starting on 16/03/2024

Games PlayedBattingFieldingBowling
1956-572nd XI894924913.4310723949712.7447/24
TOTAL for Season894924913.4310723949712.7447/24